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Qualities Vital In An Effective Therapist

Qualities Vital In An Effective Therapist

There are so many variable factors when it comes to therapy sessions, from the different types of therapy that they offer, the particular needs of the person who is undergoing therapy, particular specialist and tailored approaches as well as the importance of a good fit.

Because of all of these factors that affect the efficacy of treatment once people enter therapist rooms, you can sometimes find that a patient that is ready to seek out professional help and a very capable therapist, and in some cases, there is a breakthrough and other times it’s not quite the right fit.

However, despite this variability, there are still qualities universal to effective therapists that cross different disciplines, specialities and approaches.


Clarity With Approach, Expectations and Professionalism

A good therapist will use an evidence-based approach or set of approaches and be clear from the outset with a patient about what types of therapy they will be using, what we know about their effectiveness and realistic expectations of how it will help them.

There will be room to adjust and refine these techniques, but ultimately therapy is about improving mental health, and healthcare requires an evidence-based approach.

As well as this, an effective therapist will explain their policies clearly and provide an informed consent agreement to sign.


They Will Challenge Patients

Therapy is guidance to help people help themselves, and whilst a good therapist will not immediately leave a patient to their own devices, they should be challenging them to be more independent and in greater control of their life.


Compassion, Support And Acceptance

The key to good therapy is ultimately compassion and treating a client like an equal who is not there to judge or dismiss the validity of concerns, but instead, work with a client to help manage them as best as possible.

No client should leave a session feeling ashamed, and if they do, this is a sign of a bad fit.

Contemporary therapy rooms in London, Brighton and Hove.
Ad hoc hourly rates or block bookings, 24hr cancellations.
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Call 0203 369 6833