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What Is Forest Bathing?

What Is Forest Bathing?

There are all sorts of interesting ways to practise mindfulness in our daily lives, but one method currently doing the rounds on social media platforms like TikTok is forest bathing… a Japanese practice known as shinrin yoku that involves getting out and about in nature, among the trees, to do some breathing exercises in the beautiful fresh air.

Studies suggest that forest bathing can yield all sorts of benefits for physical, mental and emotional health… and, in fact, in Japan they have almost 40 decades’ worth of research that puts forth such a strong case that both there and in South Korea, forest-bathing sessions are prescribed on their version of the NHS!

Reported health benefits include reduced blood pressure, reduced stress levels, improved cardiovascular and metabolic health, lower blood-sugar levels, improved energy, improved concentration and memory… and lots more.

So how do you go about forest bathing? Well, it’s quite simple… you need to find a forest! In reality, you’re able to practise forest bathing anywhere you can find some trees, but taking it as an opportunity to get out and explore the local countryside could leave you feeling even more refreshed.

Once you’re among the trees, switch off all devices and start to wend your way through the forest slowly, so you’re able to see and feel more. Start to take long deep belly breaths, extending the exhalation so it’s twice the length of the inhalation, helping your body to really relax.

Another option is to sit and do some quietly mindful observations, taking in thebeautiful surroundings using all five of your senses to welcome in a sense of peace.

A complete forest bathing experience should last around two hours, but you may find it better to build up to this slowly over time. However long you forest bathe for, however, you’re sure to start reaping the benefits of al fresco mindfulness work soon.

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